Friday, June 3, 2016


Hello, All:

Please begin working on the following assignment.

1.  Please complete the practice Global final.  CLICK HERE for a link to the exam.   Due on MONDAY.

2.  Begin working on the GLOBAL REVIEW PACKET.  The packet is due no later than FRIDAY JUNE 10th.  You must complete pages 1-18 of the packet.   We are making copies of the packet, but you may print out a copy of it.

50 Multiple Choice Questions - In Class, Due BEOP 

Check out the zesty beats and jams below!  Drop these at the next party, and study while you rock out! 

Friday, May 13, 2016

HW 5/12-5/13/16

 Click on Lecture The Crusades  and answer the following questions
  1. What factors contributed to the Crusades?
  2. Why did Christians travel to Jerusalem? What signaled an end to these visits?
  3. What factors contributed to the instability of both the Byzantine and Muslim empires?
  4. Why was Pope Gregory VII eager to intervene?
  5. Read the speech by Urban II (Gregory's successor) - Identify the reasons why Urban II wanted to go to war against the Muslims?
  6. How did he depict the Muslims? What parts of his speech were inflammatory? 
  7. What does he promise these knights?
  8. Why were these crusaders so dangerous to the lands they traveled?
  9. What military orders of knighthood were founded at this time? What roles did they serve?
  10. Why did the Crusaders fail to achieve their objectives following the First Crusade?
  11. How did Saladin play an important role in the Crusades?
  12. How did the Crusades contribute to a growing division between the eastern and western kingdoms of Christianity?
  13. Why were the two Children Crusades a disaster?
  14. Why are the Crusades considered a successful failure in history?
Watch the History Channel's Crescent and the Cross and answer the following questions.  If you need another link to the video, you can find it here.  
1. Identify the reasons why the "Franks" were willing to risk everything to go on the Crusades? You will add to this as you watch the film.
2. How did William of Tyre depict this era?
3. How did Urban II play an important role in the Crusades? Describe how his appeal was so riveting? Why is this a political move for the Church?
4. What impact will Urban's message have on the future of the Crusades both at home and abroad?
5. Why is Emperor Alexio considered a scorpion? How does he play the game with the crusaders? How did Alexio double cross the Crusaders?
6. What perils did the Crusaders face on their journey to Jerusalem?
7. Why does Baldwin shift gears and "aid" Edessa? 
8. Describe the city of Antioch. Why is important to the Crusaders? Why did the siege of Antioch so devastating? How did they defeat the Turks?
9. How did the First Crusade impact on the Muslim world? How does this impact in the Muslim world today?

Part 2 (First few minutes recaps highlights of part1)
1. Why were the Umayyads unable to launch a counteroffensive against the Crusaders?
2. What role did the Knights Hospitaller and Templar play?
3. How were the Muslims united under the leadership of Zengi? How did they capture Edessa?

4. Why was Nuradin more respected than his father Zengi? How did he wage his jihad? 
5. What were the problems that Louis VII faced on the Second Crusade? What impact did this Crusade have on the Muslim world? future of the Crusades?
6. Why was Egypt an important site for both Muslims and Crusaders? Why did the Fatimids turn to Nuradin?
7. What role did Saladin play in this power struggle? 
8.Who were the assassins? Roots of the name? Why was Saladin a target?
9. How did the actions of Reynald contribute to Saladin''s actions against Jerusalem? How did Saladin defeat the Christians?
10. How did Saladin treat the Hospitallers and the Templars? Why did Saladin allow Guy de Lusignan to live?
11. Why did Saladin enter Jerusalem in peace in 1187? What impact will this have on Christendom in Europe?
12. How did Richard I, come to lead the Third Crusade? How did Richard finance this Crusade? What was the impact of the siege of Acre?
13. Why would Richard the Lion Hearted be tried for war crimes today? What was his reasoning behind the massacre?
14. Why did Richard fail to capture the Holy Land of Jerusalem?
15. Why were Saladin's troops disillusioned? How did this contribute to the truce made between Saladin and Richard the Lion Hearted?
16. Why did the Crusades whither after the Third Crusade? 
17. What impact did the Crusades have on the memory of the Middle East?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Join the Crusades! Infomercial


You are a member of Pope Urban’s cardinal team in the year 1096.  You have been asked to sell the first Crusades ideas to the people of Europe. The people are weary and in order to win them over they need a little push..  Your boss has decided that the best way to convince the people to accept the idea of the Crusades is to create a late-night infomercial.  

An infomercial is an extended television commercial.  They usually include amazing products, energetic salespeople, disbelieving guests, and an annoying host.  You may have seen infomercials advertising products such as psychic readings, exercise machines, cleaning supplies, and dietary supplements.

The Task:
You and your team must create an seven to ten minute infomercial, which highlights the main selling points of the Crusades.

The Details:

  • You will work in teams of four or five, assigned by the teacher.
  • You will have time in class to plan your project, and write your script.  If you need additional time, you will have to work at home.  This may require you to meet up with your team-mates outside of class.
  • The infomercial must include clear and thorough descriptions of at least the following elements, as they relate to the Crusades:
  • an overview of the Crusades
  • incorporate the English spoken at the time
  • governments and developments in religious philosophy
  • knowledge of the world - geography
  • trade and global interactions
  • reference to at least four important events or effects of the Crusades

  • The infomercial must also include clear and thorough descriptions of the following elements:
  • the role of women
  • warfare
  • religion

  • You may shoot the video in school, or at locations outside of school.  Please be mindful of sound, editing, lighting, and other video elements that will enhance the production of your project.  Please feel free to reach out to our broadcast staff (Mrs. Shields, Mr. Christopolous), as well as any students that you may know with broadcast experience.

    DUE DATE: June 7, 2016

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

Black Death Video Documentary - Links


Listed below, are a series of websites, to help you and your group members conduct your research.  Good Luck!


Hello, All:

Here is a link to a DBQ on the Black Death.  Based on your knowledge of the Black Death, and Global History, please answer the scaffolding questions.

CLICK HERE for the DBQ.  

Please answer all of the questions, IN COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Global HW Week of 4/4/16

Watch and Take Notes on the Video Below. 

Complete the questions, based on the video, and your knowledge of Global History. 

1. What was the status of life in Europe in terms of faith, technology, and trade before the Plague arrived? 

2. Where do historians believe the Plague originated? What were the primary methods of its transmission? 

3. What changes in society do you think could have played a role in the rapid spread of the Plague? 

4. Do you think the spread of the Plague was inevitable? If not, what could have been done to prevent its spread, and by whom? 

5. What was the philosophy of the “flagellants”? Why do you think their method of dealing with the Plague was appealing to so many people? 

6. What were some of the explanations people gave for what the Plague was and why it had arrived? Which reason do you think would have made the most sense to you at the time? 

7. Why do you think so many Europeans blamed others for the Plague? What does this say about their understanding of disease? 

8. In what ways did the Plague alter the relationship between humans and their faith in God? Explain your answer. 

9. How did the Plague affect concepts of authority and social class? 

10. What sources have historians used in order to learn more about the Plague? Which of these sources do you think are the most accurate? Which do you think are the most revealing? 

11. What were the long-term ramifications of the Plague? How did it transform European society and medical knowledge? 

12. Do you think a disease as devastating as the Plague could spread today? Why or why not? 

Based on the lecture, generate ten (10) open ended questions, and five (5) multiple choice questions.  

HW 4/8: 
Complete the activity, "Path of the Black Death" 

If the link above is not working, click here. 

1. Is it more likely that the plague originally entered Europe on the Venetian or Genoese trade route? Cite some evidence for your answer. 

2. Did the plague seem to travel more quickly along the shipping routes or overland? Cite some evidence for your answer. 

3. How do you believe the plague traveled to Paris, overland or along the shipping routes? Cite some evidence for your answer. 

4. Why did the plague take so long to reach London, when it had arrived in nearby Paris a year earlier? Cite some evidence for your answer. 

5. How do you believe the plague traveled to Hamburg, overland or along the shipping routes? Cite some evidence for your answer. 

6. Is it possible, given the information you have, to tell if the plague traveled to Hamburg overland directly from Genoa or by way of Paris? Cite some evidence for your answer. 

Practice Regents

CLICK HERE for the multiple choice.  Make sure that you answer all of the MC questions.  


Friday, April 1, 2016

Middle Ages - Webquest

Hello, All:

CLICK HERE for a link to the Middle Ages Webquest 

Using the information from the various websites, and your knowledge of Global Studies, please complete the questions that follow.


Friday, March 18, 2016

Classwork/HW 3/18

Hello, All:

Here is your Classwork/HW for 3/18.

1.  CLICK HERE for the folder containing your assignments
  1. Chapters in Brief 
  2. Assessment 
  3. Vocabulary 
Any remaining items in the folder may be completed in class (if time remains), or for HW.  

Monday, February 29, 2016

Byzantine Quiz

CLICK HERE for a link to the translated (Spanish) quiz 
CLICK HERE for the quiz in English

If the quiz does not load properly, please click the arrow that appears above the quiz.

Tonight's HW - Byzantine DBQ

Hello, G-1's.

Here we go, with yet another awesome DBQ!


Answer all of the short answer questions.    Based on the SAQ's, you should be able to develop a thesis statement, in which you...


1 & 2  - Buildings by Procopius 
3 - Secrets by Procopius 
4 - Justinian Code 
5/6 Maps 
7: Jone Johnson Lewis (Author) “Theodora: Biography of 6th Century Byzantine Empress.” 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Engineering an Empire - Byzantines

Hello, G-1's.  For HW...

Watch, and continue taking notes 

After viewing the video, please complete the attached worksheet.

EXTRA CREDIT:  Based on what you've learned from the video, complete your own study guide for the video, consisting of at least 10 OPEN-ENDED questions.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Today's Assignment - Byzantine Mini-Quest

CLICK HERE  for the graphic organizer that accompanies the mini-quest.  

For each section of the organizer, you will be directed to a link with information pertaining to that section.  Based on the link, and your knowledge of this topic, you will answer the questions in each section.  

Due Date:  BEOP.  If you don't finish, BEOP, please complete for HW.  

Friday, February 12, 2016

February Break Assignment 2016

Global February Break Assignment 2016
Due Date: 2/23/2016

Assignment #1:
Take notes on the slideshow.  Handwritten, please!!! 


Assignment #2: Vocabulary. 
1. Identify the following vocabulary terms.  

For each term you must identify 1) What it is/was and 2) Its significance (importance).
  • Constantinople
  • Bosporus Strait
  • Vikings 
  • icons 
  • iconoclast
  • Justinian Code
  • Eastern Orthodoxy
  • schism
  • patriarch 
  • Hagia Sophia 
Assignment #3: 
Chapter Readings/OUTLINES  
Chapter 11 Section 1 "The Byzantine Empire" 
Chapter 11 Section 2  "The Russian Empire" 

CLICK HERE for the 11-1 Outline 

CLICK HERE for the 11-2 Outline

Assignment 4: 
1. Section Summaries - CLICK HERE .  Complete the exercises on pages 2, and 4.  
2.  Reading Study Guides:  Chapter 11 Section 1     Chapter 11 Section 2
3.  Reteaching:   Chapter 11 Section 1 RETEACHING    Chapter 11 Section 2 Reteaching 

Extra Credit

Extra Credit Assignment 
1.  Continue watching, and taking notes on the video, "Mankind The Story of All of Us - Empires."  

2.  Complete the worksheet that accompanies the video.  

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Fall of Rome DBQ:

Historical Context:
In the third century A.D. Rome encountered many problems.  In addition to facing internal (inside) problems, the invasion by Germanic tribes seemed to deliver a devastating blow to the Western Roman Empire.  Historians have examined both internal and external (outside) conditions/factors that weakened the empire and have presented a variety of explanations for its fall.  
Task:  Using information from the documents, as well as your knowledge of social studies, you will construct an essay in which you will be asked to:  

Discuss the Political, Economic, OR Social Causes of the Fall of the Roman Empire

Due Date for FINAL DRAFT - 2/11/16 

Documents - Finish by 2/4/16 
Outline - 2/5/16  CLICK HERE for the outline 

Files to help you: - You need to print this file for peer editing sessions
You need to print this file for peer editing sessions 

Good Luck! 

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunday, January 24, 2016

HW Assignments Week of 1/25/16

Here are your HW assignments for the week of 1/25/16  Please note that homework is absolutely essential to your mastery of this course, and the Global History/Geography Regents Exam.  Your HW must be accompanied by a parent's signature, in order for you to receive full credit.

Watch - Fall of the Roman Empire.   Take Notes on the Video.  Complete the attached worksheet that corresponds to the video. 

1. TAKE NOTES ON SLIDES 27-31 of the Slideshow Below.  Here is a link to the slide show

2. Read Chapter 6 Section 4 of your Textbook
3. Complete "Terms and Names," and "Main Ideas" on p. 176

1. Review Chapter 6 Section 4 of your Textbook .  
2. Complete the Ch. 6 Section 4 Reading Study Guide 
3. Complete the Chapter 6 Section 4 Reteaching Activity

1.  Take Notes on Slides 32-36 of the Presentation
2.  Read Chapter 6 Section 5 of Your Textbook 
3. Complete "Terms and Names," and "Main Ideas" on p. 183

1. Review Chapter 6 Section 5 of your Textbook .  
2. Complete the Ch. 6 Section 5 Reading Study Guide 
3. Complete pages 5-6 of the handout on Rome

Monday, January 18, 2016

HW Week of 1/18/16

Hello, G-1's:

Here are your HW assignments for the week of 1/18/16.  As previously stated, HW is 1) assigned every day, including weekends, 2) must be accompanied by a parent's signature, in order for you to receive full credit for its completion, 3) is essential to your success in this class, and on your exams!

1.  Watch: Crash Course #10 
2.  CLICK HERE for the guided outline sheet.  Fill in the blanks, and complete the worksheet. 
3.  Create a list of at least TEN (10) questions, and answers related to the video.   
4. Begin Reviewing for Your Midterm 

1.  Review Chapter 6 Section 1 in your Textbook 

2.  Complete the Chapter 6 Section 1. READING STUDY GUIDE.  The RSG for Chapter 6, Section 1 can be found on pp. 18 and 19.  
3. Continue reviewing for your mid-term 

1.  WATCH the Video "Engineering an Empire: Rome" 

2.  Print, and complete the video worksheet
3. Complete the Chapter 6 Section 1. READING STUDY GUIDE.  The RSG for Chapter 6, Section 1 can be found on pp. 18 and 19.  

1.  READ AND REVIEW - "The Roman World Takes Shape" 
2.  Print and complete pages 1&2 of the review packet 

Monday, January 11, 2016

HW week of 1/10

Hello, G-1's

Your HW for this week is to complete the the second, third and final drafts of your essay.

Your final draft is due, this FRIDAY.

You must turn in the following:

1.  Final Draft
2.  First draft and all subsequent drafts.  You must have at least three drafts, including your final.  All drafts must show evidence of revision
3.  Outline
4.  DBQ Rubric

Your work must be stapled or fastened together with a paper clip.  Your final product must be computer printed, or neatly handwritten in ink, on loose leaf paper.  NO PENCIL!!!