Friday, May 13, 2016

HW 5/12-5/13/16

 Click on Lecture The Crusades  and answer the following questions
  1. What factors contributed to the Crusades?
  2. Why did Christians travel to Jerusalem? What signaled an end to these visits?
  3. What factors contributed to the instability of both the Byzantine and Muslim empires?
  4. Why was Pope Gregory VII eager to intervene?
  5. Read the speech by Urban II (Gregory's successor) - Identify the reasons why Urban II wanted to go to war against the Muslims?
  6. How did he depict the Muslims? What parts of his speech were inflammatory? 
  7. What does he promise these knights?
  8. Why were these crusaders so dangerous to the lands they traveled?
  9. What military orders of knighthood were founded at this time? What roles did they serve?
  10. Why did the Crusaders fail to achieve their objectives following the First Crusade?
  11. How did Saladin play an important role in the Crusades?
  12. How did the Crusades contribute to a growing division between the eastern and western kingdoms of Christianity?
  13. Why were the two Children Crusades a disaster?
  14. Why are the Crusades considered a successful failure in history?
Watch the History Channel's Crescent and the Cross and answer the following questions.  If you need another link to the video, you can find it here.  
1. Identify the reasons why the "Franks" were willing to risk everything to go on the Crusades? You will add to this as you watch the film.
2. How did William of Tyre depict this era?
3. How did Urban II play an important role in the Crusades? Describe how his appeal was so riveting? Why is this a political move for the Church?
4. What impact will Urban's message have on the future of the Crusades both at home and abroad?
5. Why is Emperor Alexio considered a scorpion? How does he play the game with the crusaders? How did Alexio double cross the Crusaders?
6. What perils did the Crusaders face on their journey to Jerusalem?
7. Why does Baldwin shift gears and "aid" Edessa? 
8. Describe the city of Antioch. Why is important to the Crusaders? Why did the siege of Antioch so devastating? How did they defeat the Turks?
9. How did the First Crusade impact on the Muslim world? How does this impact in the Muslim world today?

Part 2 (First few minutes recaps highlights of part1)
1. Why were the Umayyads unable to launch a counteroffensive against the Crusaders?
2. What role did the Knights Hospitaller and Templar play?
3. How were the Muslims united under the leadership of Zengi? How did they capture Edessa?

4. Why was Nuradin more respected than his father Zengi? How did he wage his jihad? 
5. What were the problems that Louis VII faced on the Second Crusade? What impact did this Crusade have on the Muslim world? future of the Crusades?
6. Why was Egypt an important site for both Muslims and Crusaders? Why did the Fatimids turn to Nuradin?
7. What role did Saladin play in this power struggle? 
8.Who were the assassins? Roots of the name? Why was Saladin a target?
9. How did the actions of Reynald contribute to Saladin''s actions against Jerusalem? How did Saladin defeat the Christians?
10. How did Saladin treat the Hospitallers and the Templars? Why did Saladin allow Guy de Lusignan to live?
11. Why did Saladin enter Jerusalem in peace in 1187? What impact will this have on Christendom in Europe?
12. How did Richard I, come to lead the Third Crusade? How did Richard finance this Crusade? What was the impact of the siege of Acre?
13. Why would Richard the Lion Hearted be tried for war crimes today? What was his reasoning behind the massacre?
14. Why did Richard fail to capture the Holy Land of Jerusalem?
15. Why were Saladin's troops disillusioned? How did this contribute to the truce made between Saladin and Richard the Lion Hearted?
16. Why did the Crusades whither after the Third Crusade? 
17. What impact did the Crusades have on the memory of the Middle East?

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