Monday, January 18, 2016

HW Week of 1/18/16

Hello, G-1's:

Here are your HW assignments for the week of 1/18/16.  As previously stated, HW is 1) assigned every day, including weekends, 2) must be accompanied by a parent's signature, in order for you to receive full credit for its completion, 3) is essential to your success in this class, and on your exams!

1.  Watch: Crash Course #10 
2.  CLICK HERE for the guided outline sheet.  Fill in the blanks, and complete the worksheet. 
3.  Create a list of at least TEN (10) questions, and answers related to the video.   
4. Begin Reviewing for Your Midterm 

1.  Review Chapter 6 Section 1 in your Textbook 

2.  Complete the Chapter 6 Section 1. READING STUDY GUIDE.  The RSG for Chapter 6, Section 1 can be found on pp. 18 and 19.  
3. Continue reviewing for your mid-term 

1.  WATCH the Video "Engineering an Empire: Rome" 

2.  Print, and complete the video worksheet
3. Complete the Chapter 6 Section 1. READING STUDY GUIDE.  The RSG for Chapter 6, Section 1 can be found on pp. 18 and 19.  

1.  READ AND REVIEW - "The Roman World Takes Shape" 
2.  Print and complete pages 1&2 of the review packet 

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