Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Global HW Week of 4/4/16

Watch and Take Notes on the Video Below. 

Complete the questions, based on the video, and your knowledge of Global History. 

1. What was the status of life in Europe in terms of faith, technology, and trade before the Plague arrived? 

2. Where do historians believe the Plague originated? What were the primary methods of its transmission? 

3. What changes in society do you think could have played a role in the rapid spread of the Plague? 

4. Do you think the spread of the Plague was inevitable? If not, what could have been done to prevent its spread, and by whom? 

5. What was the philosophy of the “flagellants”? Why do you think their method of dealing with the Plague was appealing to so many people? 

6. What were some of the explanations people gave for what the Plague was and why it had arrived? Which reason do you think would have made the most sense to you at the time? 

7. Why do you think so many Europeans blamed others for the Plague? What does this say about their understanding of disease? 

8. In what ways did the Plague alter the relationship between humans and their faith in God? Explain your answer. 

9. How did the Plague affect concepts of authority and social class? 

10. What sources have historians used in order to learn more about the Plague? Which of these sources do you think are the most accurate? Which do you think are the most revealing? 

11. What were the long-term ramifications of the Plague? How did it transform European society and medical knowledge? 

12. Do you think a disease as devastating as the Plague could spread today? Why or why not? 

Based on the lecture, generate ten (10) open ended questions, and five (5) multiple choice questions.  

HW 4/8: 
Complete the activity, "Path of the Black Death" 

If the link above is not working, click here. 

1. Is it more likely that the plague originally entered Europe on the Venetian or Genoese trade route? Cite some evidence for your answer. 

2. Did the plague seem to travel more quickly along the shipping routes or overland? Cite some evidence for your answer. 

3. How do you believe the plague traveled to Paris, overland or along the shipping routes? Cite some evidence for your answer. 

4. Why did the plague take so long to reach London, when it had arrived in nearby Paris a year earlier? Cite some evidence for your answer. 

5. How do you believe the plague traveled to Hamburg, overland or along the shipping routes? Cite some evidence for your answer. 

6. Is it possible, given the information you have, to tell if the plague traveled to Hamburg overland directly from Genoa or by way of Paris? Cite some evidence for your answer. 

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