Sunday, December 14, 2014

HW Week of 12/15

Here are your HW assignments for the week of 12/15/14.  As previously stated, HW...
1. is assigned every night, including weekends, and holidays
2. must be accompanied by a parent's signature in order to receive full credit
3. is due by the next class period
4. is essential for your success in this class.

1.  Watch, and take notes on the video, "Conquerors: Alexander"

Conquerors Alexander the Great from Mike Tesler on Vimeo.
2.  Complete the worksheet that accompanies the video.  CLICK HERE FOR THE WORKSHEET.   ***This assignment is worth a DOUBLE HW ASSIGNMENT*** Your notes are worth 50% of your grade.  In other words, no notes, the best you can get is a 50.

TAKE NOTES on the Presentation.  Your notes must be hand-written, on looseleaf paper.  Here is a link to the presentation.

Answer the questions below.  These questions are also on the last slide of the presentation
1. Under what circumstances did Alexander the Great come to the Macedonian throne?
2. Name at least three modern-day countries which were conquered by Alexander the Great.
3. What does the term Hellenistic mean?
4. Describe the work of a Hellenistic scientist or mathematician.
5. Describe a Hellenistic philosophy.
6. What caused the fall of Hellenistic society?
7. Imagine that you are a Babylonian living during the time of Alexander. How might you view
Alexander’s conquests? Would you consider him “great”?

Complete Chapter 5 Section 4 Reading Study Guide
Complete Chapter 5 Section 4 Re-Teaching 

Complete the Section Summary Worksheet. 

Study for your Exam TUESDAY on Chapter 5!  

Sunday, December 7, 2014

HW Week of 12/8/14

Hello, G-1's

Here are your HW assignments for the week of 12/8.  Please note that homework...

1.  Is assigned every night, including weekends and holidays.
2.  Is due by the next class meeting.
3.  Must be accompanied by a parent signature for full credit.
4.  Is ESSENTIAL for your success in this class.

1.  Review Chapter 5 Section 2 in your TB
2.  Complete the Chapter 5 Section 2 Reading Study Guide
3.  Complete the Chapter 5 Section 2 Reteaching Worksheet 

WATCH - "Athens - Dawn of Democracy" Videos 1 and 2

ATHENS -- DAWN OF DEMOCRACY Part I from Mike Tesler on Vimeo.

ATHENS -- DAWN OF DEMOCRACY -- Episode-1&2 -- Part 2 10 from Mike Tesler on Vimeo.

Please complete the worksheet that accompanies the videos.  Please check your WJPS email for the videos.

Wednesday:  Please complete any of the worksheets that you were assigned for class work, Wednesday.  Those files are contained in your WJPS email.

Complete the worksheets, "Rise of the Greek City States," and Conflict in the Ancient World." 

Review Chapter 5 Section 3 of your textbook
Chapter 5 Section 3 Geography Application 
Chapter 5 Section 3 Reading Study Guide